When you initially make contact, we will arrange a time for an appointment to discuss your situation. This will give us an opportunity to meet each other before deciding if we would like to work together. It will also be an opportunity for you to ask me any questions or concerns you may have about starting therapy. We can also discuss details about future appointments.
Sessions are once a week, on the same day at an agreed time. For therapy to be most effective it is important that both therapist and clients are equally committed to the work. The session time and day that we agree on will be time reserved for you until the end of our work together.
Fees – I do not charge for the initial appointment, the session will last 50 minutes. After the initial appointment sessions are £80 each.
I offer appointments from Monday to Friday including evenings.
Non-attendance and cancellation – If you need to cancel your session I require one weeks’ notice, in the event that you miss or are unable to make your session (including illness) you will be charged the full fee. If you do miss your session where possible I shall endeavour to find you another appointment that week (for which you will not be charged).
Clients are required to pay for each session on the day either by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
To make an appointment you can either call me on: 07825 302 255 or email me at
mail@tomgodsal.com . If I am unable to answer your call then please feel free to leave me your name and number and I shall try to contact you within 24 hours. Similarly, with email, I will endeavour to reply within the same time frame.
In the case of an emergency you should contact either your GP or attend A&E at your local hospital.